PicMonkey Email Marketing Strategy

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Project goals: Reviewing current overall email strategy, learnings from engagement and behavior, dialing in audience segmentation and focus and ultimately creating successful customer journeys with improved metrics. The visual brand was moving toward a more vibrant and colorful style which needed to be incorporated. In addition, the layouts needed revisions to improve engagement and CTRs and to refine our visual approach to echo our tool’s power and represent its necessity in user’s own workflows.

New email style: Part of the overall design approach is to feature bold, colorful backgrounds that contrast the sea of sameness of white emails. Scannable copy with concise subheads to allow for quick recognition of ease, usefulness and application of feature. Testing so we can be confident in what visual style we send to our customer inboxes and that we are reaching max conversions.

Performance review: Took a closer look at open rate, click through, time spent viewing and HTML click map to see where design improvements were needed. Overall was a huge success and proved the new style was increasing engagement. We found certain template sections had very low engagement so removed to keep emails condensed. The Top 10 templates/graphics emails performed super well, were a new topic and found that they had high engagement below the fold. It confirmed that additional changes we anticipated to make, needed to happen. Had gotten push back from the lead stakeholders to include longer content emails but after this review, confirmed the length issue.





